Off-Site Links

Use the Off-Site Links check box to track all the links on your site that go to other sites. If you want to identify some links that appear use a different domain as on-site links, type a comma-separated list of domain names in the Treat these domains as on-site text box. For example, if you want to track off-site links from the product site, and you enable off-site link tracking, you can ensure that links to your branding site continue to be tracked as on-site links by typing in the text box.


Off-site links are hyperlinks whose URL resolves to an off-site domain.

The check box inserts an onclick event handler function named dcsOffsite. The handler is bound to the document body. When a mouse click occurs on the page, the handler is called. The handler receives an event object as an argument. If the event object meets the criteria above, then its contents are passed as parameters to dcsMultiTrack.

Note that by default, query parameters are removed from the off-site link to reduce the number of unique URLs. To include query parameters in the off-site link, set trimoffsiteparams=false in Webtrends constructor function in webtrends.js.

An event specific identifier is passed via the WT.dl parameter. This is defined in the Webtrends Unified Event Model.


Suppose the on-site domain field contains:

Page contains the following hyperlink:
<a href="">Wikipedia</a>

Clicking the link generates the following parameters: DCS.dcsuri=/wiki/Web_analytics DCS.dcsref= WT.dl=24
JavaScript Reference

dcsMultiTrack ParameterValue
DCS.dcsuripathname or "/"
DCS.dcsqrysearch (if present)
WT.ti "Offsite:" + hostname + pathname + search
WT.dl 24
WT.nv Enclosing element id or classname (if present)
