JavaScript Links


JavaScript links are hyperlinks whose URL contains the following protocol (scheme):

  • javascript:

The check box inserts an onclick event handler function named dcsJavaScript. The handler is bound to the document body. When a mouse click occurs on the page, the handler is called. The handler receives an event object as a parameter. If the event object meets the criteria above, then its contents are passed as parameters to dcsMultiTrack.

An event-specific identifier is passed via the WT.dl parameter. This is defined in the Webtrends Unified Event Model.


  • javascript: protocol

    <a href="javascript:alert('Good Morning')">Alert Greeting</a>

    Clicking the link generates the following parameters:

      DCS.dcsuri=javascript:alert('Good%20Morning') WT.ti=JavaScript:Alert Greeting WT.dl=22
JavaScript Reference

dcsMultiTrack ParameterValue
WT.ti"JavaScript:" + title
WT.nvEnclosing element id or classname (if present)